What is Myofascial Release?
Myofascial Release is the form of bodywork I study, practice, love, and offer to clients.
The following are some insightful excerpts on fascia and Myofascial Release:
video courtesy of Ronelle Wood
“The Myofascial Release Approach which I have developed is a whole-body, hands-on approach to the evaluation and treatment of the human structure. Its focus is the fascial system. Fascia is an incredible tough connective tissue that spreads throughout the body in a three-dimensional web. Much like a spider web, it extends from head to foot without interruption.
The fascia serves a vital function in that it permits the body to maintain its normal shape and thus keep all of the body’s life functions intact. It also allows the body to resist mechanical stresses, both internal and external…
Fascia supports, protects, envelops, and becomes part of the muscles, bones, nerves, organs, and blood vessels from the largest structures right down to the cellular level. When all is well, the body functions harmoniously. When injuries occur, however, the fascia has the ability to reorganize along the lines of tension imposed on the body. Physical trauma from direct injury, accident, or unresolved restrictions from the birthing process all can cause the fascia to tighten down in an involuntary attempt to prevent the body from further harm… These powerful fascial restrictions begin to pull the body out of its normal three-dimensional alignment with gravity, causing biomechanically inefficient and energetically consuming movement and postural patterns…
Myofascial release helps remove the straitjacket of pressure caused by restricted fascia, eliminating symptoms such as stiffness, pain, headaches, spasm, and fibromyalgia, as well as restoring range of motion. Through its influence on the neuromuscular and skeletal systems, myofascial release creates the opportunity for patients to “learn” new enhanced movement patterns.”
- John F. Barnes, PT (Myofascial Release: Healing Ancient Wounds, The Renegade’s Wisdom)
“Myofascial Release is a form of therapy that addresses restrictions and imbalances of the connective tissue in the body and is used to promote wellness, decrease or eliminate pain and restore movement. It is helpful for a variety of conditions including neck and back pain, fibromyalgia, scoliosis, headaches, TMJ dysfunction, neurological conditions and chronic pain syndromes.
myo= muscle
fascia = connective tissue
There are actually several different forms of Myofascial Release, most of which are variations of deep soft tissue massage and manipulation.
The John F. Barnes’ Myofascial Release Approach [the approach I study and practice] is unique, has been effectively treating patients for over 50 years and has gained recognition as the powerful and effective treatment that it is. It is a gentle, full-body and holistic form of bodywork and stretching/ self-treatment techniques. It is comprised of three parts: structural releases, unwinding and rebounding.
Myofascial Release Therapy benefits include:
Reduced pain and tightness
Improved posture
Better daily functioning
Greater flexibility/ ease of movement
Decreased stress and tension
Refined sports performance
Higher energy levels
Increased body awareness”
~Joyce Karnis, PT (Comprehensive Myofascial Self Treatment)
To learn more about John F. Barnes’ Myofascial Release Approach, explore his website.
To learn more about my personal experience with MFR, read How I Found Myofascial Release.